Another way to muzzle the overly talkative person
Published: Mon, 09/30/13
Another way to muzzle the overly talkative personOne person can single handedly ruin a group. If the situation is bad enough, you will need to ask the person to leave and never come to group again. It is that or everyone else will leave. I had someone tell me once, “I am not coming as long as so and so is there. I am tired of hearing them dominate the discussion.” What would Jesus do? Here is another way. Start every group with this piece of vision casting: We want this to be a group where
Let’s all say it together. (I am just corny enough to actually lead the group to say it together.)
Proceed with the Bible study. When you are finished, say something like: “Let’s do a little evaluation. What was our goal again?”
How did we do? If you didn’t do really well, it is going to get really quiet in the room. Hopefully someone will speak up. Hopefully, the one who dominates will get it. Otherwise, you might have to ask him to leave, and who wants to do that?
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