Josh Hunt

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Think on these things

Published: Mon, 10/28/19

I was on a flight to Toronto beside a woman whose nose was in a book. I hunkered down in the window seat with my Bible and notepad and studied through…

God's Will in Six Words

Published: Fri, 10/25/19

IF YOU HAD TO SUMMARIZE your life in si words, what would they be? Several years ago an online magazine asked that question. It was inspired by a…

Growth takes time

Published: Mon, 10/21/19

One last point: it takes time for fruit to ripen. There is no such thing as instant maturity or instant spiritual growth. Time is essential. When you…

17 Laws of Discipleship

Published: Thu, 10/17/19

Is Christian living easy or hard? I have asked that question to thousands and the answer always comes back the same: HARD! Yet, Jesus said, "My yoke…

In moments we were all changed

Published: Wed, 10/16/19

The very presence of people of faith has enormous impact on those who cross their paths. One of the women I wish I’d met was Dr. Henrietta Mears, who…

The Holy Spirit and the Will of God

Published: Mon, 10/14/19

As believers—people in God’s family—if we do not know God’s will, what are we? Uninformed? No. Searching? No. We are being foolish. “That’s pretty…

The first step in knowing God's Will

Published: Fri, 10/11/19

The will of God is no longer a problem for me—and it need not be one for you either. Let’s start at the beginning and see what God has to reveal to us…

How Can I Live Above Average

Published: Wed, 10/09/19

God never intended for you to live a mediocre, average life. You are designed for e cellence, and you were uniquely created. Instead of being one in a…

The Power of Jesus' Names

Published: Mon, 10/07/19

THE CELEBRITYSHIP OF JESUS We live in a day of saccharin celebrities and celebrity substitutes. These are people seeking a name through popularity,…

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