The law of community

Published: Mon, 12/19/22

Sessions Include:

Law #1: The Law of Mind

Law #2: The Law of Training

Law #3: The Law of Worship

Law #4: The Law of Community

Law #5: The Law of Habit

Law #6: The Law of the Holy Spirit

Law #7: The Law of Example

Law #8: The Law of Effort

Law #9: The Law of Faith         

Law #10: The Law of Talk

Law #11: The Law of Pain

Law #12: The Law of Gospel

Law #13: The Law of Service

Law #14: The Law of the Way of escape

Law #15: The Law of Commitment

Law #16: The Law of Time

Law #17: The Law of Prayer

Law #18: The Law of Replacement

Law #19: The Law of Confession

Law #20: The Law of the Kingdom

Law #21: The Law of Sovereignty

Imagine a man who read the Bible for an hour a day.

Imagine he spent another hour a day memorizing scripture.

Imagine he listened to sound Christian teaching on the way to and from work.

Imagine he listened to sound Christian teaching on TV at home in the evening instead of watching sit-coms and the news.

Now, imagine he never talked to another Christian. He never went to church. He was not a part of a small group. He spent his life alone. He was never encouraged, never admonished, never corrected. He never spoke the truth in love. No one ever spoke into his life. He was never loved by another human being. He was alone.

Question: how much would he grow spiritually?

Biblical answer: not much.

We are transformed one at a time, but we are not transformed alone. We are transformed in groups. If you are not in a group that is working toward being transformed into the image of Christ, you will not be transformed. People are not transformed alone. The writer of Hebrews made this clear:

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24–25 (NIV2011)

This verse is often used as an admonition to come to church. Note that this is not what it is talking about. It is not talking about sitting in straight rows and watching the same events happen on the same stage. It is talking about meetings where we encourage one another; meetings where I encourage you and you encourage me. As Andy Stanley says it, “Circles are better than rows.”

Circles encourage one another to start their day with the Bible on their lap. Circles rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. Circles ask hard questions. Circles probe. Circles admonish. Circles hug. Circles love.

You can’t get there alone.


We are pleased to announce the release of our new series: The 21 Laws of Discipleship. And here is the best part: it is completely free. Check it out at


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