Is Christian living easy or hard?

Published: Fri, 11/25/22

Sessions Include:

Law #1: The Law of Mind

Law #2: The Law of Training

Law #3: The Law of Worship

Law #4: The Law of Community

Law #5: The Law of Habit

Law #6: The Law of the Holy Spirit

Law #7: The Law of Example

Law #8: The Law of Effort

Law #9: The Law of Faith         

Law #10: The Law of Talk

Law #11: The Law of Pain

Law #12: The Law of Gospel

Law #13: The Law of Service

Law #14: The Law of the Way of escape

Law #15: The Law of Commitment

Law #16: The Law of Time

Law #17: The Law of Prayer

Law #18: The Law of Replacement

Law #19: The Law of Confession

Law #20: The Law of the Kingdom

Law #21: The Law of Sovereignty

Is Christian living easy or hard?

Is it easy or hard for you to live the Christian life?

I have asked this question to thousands of Christians and consistently they will answer with resolve, “Hard!”

Then, I show them this familiar verse:

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:30 (NIV2011)

I ask again, wording the question slightly differently, “Did Jesus teach that following Him would be easy or hard?” Puzzled looks.

I never get an explanation this complete, but it seems they are saying, “I don’t care what that verse says, believe me, Christian living is very, very hard.”

One word of clarification. I am not asking whether life is hard. Our experience confirms what Jesus taught: life is hard. “In this world you will have trouble.” John 16:33 (NIV2011) Trouble. Life is hard.

I am asking whether Christian living is easy or hard, not whether life is easy or hard. In this world full of difficulties, is it easy or hard to live as Jesus taught?

The answer seems clear. Jesus taught that His yoke is easy. Could it be we have put on some other yoke?


We are pleased to announce the release of our new series: The 21 Laws of Discipleship. And here is the best part: it is completely free. Check it out at


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