How to Have a Good Day

Published: Wed, 06/22/22

Sessions Include:

A Good Day / Lesson #1
It Starts with Your Bible on Your Lap

A Good Day / Lesson #2
Do the Work God Called You to Do

A Good Day / Lesson #3
Rest from the Craziness

A Good Day / Lesson #4
Relationships that Refresh

A Good Day / Lesson #5

A Good Day / Lesson #6
Food That Nourishes 

A Good Day / Lesson #7
A Little Fun


HOW OFTEN HAS SOMEONE SAID TO YOU, “HAVE A GOOD DAY”? That’s a nice statement, but what does it mean? When you review the day’s activities before you go to bed, how do you know whether the day was good or bad? When Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, that was a bad day. But God turned it into good for him. When Potiphar’s wife lied about Joseph and had him put into prison, it was a bad day. But God turned that into good for him also. You see, we don’t always know what a good day is. However, we can make our days good if we follow the instructions given in today’s passage.

First, control your tongue. David asks, “Who is the man who desires life, and loves many days, that he may see good?” (v. 12). Of course, everybody wants long life and good days. So you must “keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit” (v. 13). When you say the wrong thing, you will have a bad day. So keep your tongue under control.

Second, depart from evil and do good (v. 14). If you want to have a good day, do good. If you sow the seeds of goodness, you’ll reap the harvest of goodness.

Third, seek peace and pursue it (v. 14). Don’t go around with a revolver in your hand. Don’t be bothered by every little slight or by everything that people say. If somebody cuts in front of you in a line, don’t let it bother you. Be a peacemaker, not a troublemaker.

Finally, trust the Lord because He’s watching you. “The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry” (v. 15). The word open means “attentive to.” You don’t have to worry about what other people do. God is watching you, and He’s listening to you. You can have a good day if you’ll just follow these instructions. So, have a good day!

Wiersbe, Warren W. 2011. Prayer, Praise & Promises: A Daily Walk through the Psalms. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

Check out the new Bible Study, A Good Day. It is available on Amazon, as well as part of the Good Questions Have Groups Talking subscription service. (Like Netflix for Bible lessons.)