The Tongue is a Rudder

Published: Mon, 12/06/21

The Tongue Is a Rudder

The tongue is a rudder; it controls the ship. (See James 3.) I think if James were writing today he might say that the tongue is a steering wheel that controls the direction of your life. Do you want to move your life in a different direction? Choose your words carefully. The words you speak control the destiny of your life.

People who speak words of gratitude become more grateful. People who speak words of love become more loving. People who complain become grumpier. That is why Scripture says, “Do everything without complaining.” (Philippians 2.14)

Try it. Every day for a month, tell your wife how much you love her and why. Don’t just think loving thoughts. Speak loving words. Tell her exactly why you married her, how grateful you are and how glad you are to be married to her. It will make you love her more. That is what the Bible says.

Tell someone what you love about being a Christian. Tell someone how much you love reading the Word. Tell someone that you enjoy living in the city you live in or how you love living in this country. Tell someone how appreciative you are for the life God has given you. Speak words of gratitude and you will become more grateful.

Want to make this idea a habit in your life?

We have just completed a Bible study to guide your group into meditating on and applying these truths. The Tongue is a Rudder is our Bible Study based on Nelson’s Searcy’s book Tongue Pierced: How the Words You Speak Transform the Life You Live.It consists of 8 ready-to-use question-based Bible Studies suitable for groups. It can be purchased on Amazon and is also available as part of Good Questions Have Groups Talking Subscription Service.