FW : This DVD is STILL completely free

Published: Thu, 06/30/16

My friend Steve at Sunday School University tells me that a LOT of you responded to his offer last month for a free DVD.  (Free -IS- good, right ? ) 

Anyway, he's making the same offer again, so if you missed it last time, now's your chance, so I'm passing his note on as he wrote it :



Your subscribers really do like freebies . . . That email you passed on last month was one of our most successful promotions !  We like to send OUT freebies too, since they often signal the beginning of a long relationship.  If you get a chance, please pass on our offer again.  


Steve Guidry


Would you like a free Sunday School DVD ?


Do you want to be a better Sunday School teacher ?

Are you pinched for time in your preparation to teach ?

Would you like some help digging out the deeper truths of this week's scripture passage ?

Do you struggle with making scripture relevant to today's culture ?



If you answered "YES" to these questions, then you need to check out our Video Sunday School Lesson Previews. 

In each 15-minute session, our Master Teachers give you an insightful walk through this week's scripture passage and provide you with teaching tips and concrete Bible-to-life application points that you can use to do a better job teaching THIS WEEK's lesson. 
Produced for both the Bible Studies for Life and the Explore the Bible curriculum series, these Video Lessson Previews provide just the jump-start you need to make your preparation time more productive. 


A word from the Publisher . . .

Why would I give away our signature product for free ?

Well, it's simple :   I know that if you try it, there's a chance that
you might decide to become a continuing subscriber . . . it's that simple.
So try it - - please !  There's nothing to return and nothing to cancel. 
I'll even pay the shipping !
You really have nothing to lose.  Just drop me an email to steveguidry@hotmail.com

      Steve Guidry
      Publisher, sundayschooluniversity.com