Doubling Groups: one person's story
Published: Wed, 04/20/16
Hi Josh!
I have a wonderful success story to share with you and then I have a question for you. I am a member at Ellerbe Baptist Church in Shreveport, La. Our young adult/married class has been struggling for a while.
It had gotten down to 6 people and our director of education wanted to merge them in with Adult 2. I am older (a lot!) and hated to see the young adults dwindling away so I talked the director about myself getting involved but that I was going to need help! He, of course, gave me the complete go ahead. I started searching on the internet and your website was about the first thing I pulled up (miraculously)!! I immediately ordered your book and couldn't put it down.
I believed if we followed your guide we would be successful. I asked permission to pull two couples from another class plus use the two couples who had been teaching the existing class and we formed a leadership team but it was only with the understanding that we use your plan completely. Everyone was on board and excited to launch this new class. This all began this past October 2015.
We changed the name from Adult 1 to The Cornerstone Class. It started growing immediately. By Christmas we were already up to 30. We had to move to the largest room in the building in January. We are up to 44 as of today. We have had 2 baptisms with another one scheduled. We have parties ALL the time! I am very passionate about this class. God has blessed us beyond our expectations but He orchestrated the book, the team and opened why should we be surprised!
Thank you for your insight and direction. I tell everyone about it every chance I get.
Sue White
Coldwell Banker Gosslee