God Wants To Bless Your Socks Off

Published: Mon, 04/13/15

Following God







God Wants To Bless Your Socks Off

I have just released a new book called Following God. It is a 100 page devotional on the life of Abraham. Available on Amazon now. Here is a sample:


Note the repetition of the word great:

I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. Genesis 12:2

Imagine how you would feel if God came and said this to you: I will make you great.

I will make you a best-selling author.

I will make you a rock star.

I will make you rich.

Now, we get ourselves in trouble when these things are our idea and we insist on them. For every Billy Graham God makes, there are a hundred thousand country preachers. God gets to decide.

Funny thing about country preachers—they tend to like the country. They like walking into a restaurant and knowing everyone there. God fits us for what we were made for.

I wonder though, how many God called to the big stage and they were disobedient because they didn’t think that sounded like ministry. They thought God only called people to the menial and obscure. They should re-read this passage.

Embrace God’s calling on your life, big or small. If He wants you to be a rock star, be a rock star. If He wants you to sweep floors, sweep with joy.