Multiply ME

Published: Mon, 03/16/15


Minister of Education,


How vital is multiplication to the Kingdom?

 Luke 10:2 – The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.

 Scripture is full of examples of multiplication. In all of our cities, the harvest is abundant. Q: What is preventing us from having an abundant harvest? Luke 10:2 says there are not enough workers! In essence, we cannot reap this harvest alone, it is too big for us. In fact, it can become pretty frustrating to try such a huge task with little help. Jesus is telling us to ask Him for more laborers so that we can multiply ourselves and have a harvest of souls.

 I want to invite you to a conference/roundtable on May 21-22 at Southern Hills Baptist Church in Oklahoma City for Ministers of Education, Discipleship Pastors, Associate Pastors, or anyone with the responsibility of leading the church’s small group or Sunday School strategy. Of all the things expected of a Minister of Ed; multiplying ministry through evangelism, discipleship, leadership, and groups is central to our task. We are exploring how we can best be ministry multipliers to reap a harvest in our cities by learning together at the MultiplyME Roundtable on May 21-22.

 Our keynote speakers are multipliers themselves.

·        Allan Taylor of FBC Woodstock, GA

·        Bruce Raley of LifeWay

·        Steve Parr of the Georgia Baptist Convention

This is going to be an exciting time together as we learn, study, and pray for the Lord to multiply our efforts to impact lostness in each of our unique contexts.

Attached is a schedule for the MultiplyME Roundtable along with hotel and online registration information. The cost is only $37.00 for the event - plus your travel and accommodations. For more information and future updates, visit my blog at and click on the MultiplyME box in the right sidebar, or simply click here. There is also an info sheet attached to this email.

This event is hosted by the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma Baptist Ministers of Education Association. We are a friendly group of folks and yes, if you are from out of state you are still very welcome to join us!

 One Last Thing
Would you consider utilizing the principle of multiplication and forward this email on to other education and discipleship pastors you know? Together we can make a big difference!

 God bless,


Bob Mayfield
Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma
Sunday School & Small Groups Specialist