Why Sunday School has worked at Woodstock

Published: Mon, 03/09/15





Why Sunday School has worked at Woodstock

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Johnny Hunt is another example of a pastor that leads by example. In a world where many pundits are claiming the day of the Sunday School is over, he has seen his Sunday School grow from 600 to nearly 5,000. His Minister of Education has written a couple of great books on group life including Sunday School in HD. Johnny Hunt’s example and cheerleading are a real key. He spoke at my home church a few years ago and I heard him share about how he personally attends a Sunday School class every week. He has plenty of responsibilities that could provide an adequate excuse—including serving as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. Still, he takes time to attend a group each week. His Minister of Education, Allan Taylor speaks of the importance of this: “How can the pastor champion the cause of Sunday School?  I think it starts by joining and attending a Sunday School class himself. His example will send an unequivocal message to the entire congregation that Sunday School is important around here.”

Alan Taylor, Sunday School in HD. p. 134

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