Why Saddleback has more people involved in Small Groups than they have in worship
Published: Mon, 02/23/15
Why Saddleback has more people involved in Small Groups than they have in worshipIf you had read Doubling Groups 2.0 and enjoyed it, would you mind posting a positive review on Amazon?Bill Hybels says, “The leader must embody the vision.” Doublng groups is not the only way to grow a church. But, if you are going to grow your church through growing groups, the leader must embody the vision. I have a friend, Lance Witt, who used to be the Small Group Pastor at Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church until he moved into the Executive Pastor role. He told me that when Rick got in a group, group life skyrocketed. But just as important as Rick getting in a group was that Rick began to talk about his group in his messages. By doing so, he raised the value of group life and it began to get into the DNA of the church life at Saddleback. People began to think, "If it's important for someone as busy as Rick Warren, maybe it should be important for me." As the leader embodies the vision of small groups, the people get it. In contrast, here is what most pastors say, at least by their actions: “I am not in a group, but I think you should be in one.” Available on Amazon.