Ask what you mean to ask

Published: Mon, 10/12/15


My latest book:







Ask what you really mean to ask.
It’s easier to say what you mean when you keep a question simple. Still, it’s often a good idea to go back over a list of questions and ask yourself, Is this what I mean to ask?

"What does it mean to the way we live that human beings are members of the family of God?" is not a terrible question, but maybe what you really want to ask is, "How do you think being members of God’s family should affect the way we live?" That seems clearer.

Another example: "What does Pilate say when Jesus starts talking about truth?" It’s okay to ask someone to quote the text before asking them what the statement means. But perhaps it will be more economical for you to observe what Pilate says and ask the group what he means: "When Pilate says, ‘What is truth?’ what do you think he’s asking Jesus? How would you put his question in your own words?"

Discipleship Journal, Issue 130 (July/August 2002) (NavPress, 2002).

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