The Little Church that Could
Published: Fri, 08/30/13
Releases June 1.
The Little Church that CouldA new book I am pleased to be a contributor. Can Corinth Baptist Church is 150 years old, and many of the present church families have historic ties with the founding members. The congregation has had a steady stream of pastors through the years, as well as church conflicts. Sixteen pastors have served in the past forty years with the average pastorate staying only two and a half years. During the last interim period following the loss of a pastor, the members realized that something needed to change and became desperate. In their words, “If God didn’t do something, this place was going to shut down.” John Lemmings was most recently called as the new pastor and has been at this church for three years. During that time, God has done some very exciting things, and the church is alive and well. The resident church membership has increased from 154 to 438. Almost 120 new believers have been baptized in the past three years compared to less than 50 in the previous decade. While the worship attendance has doubled, the Sunday school enrollment has increased from 58 to 356, and the average attendance in Sunday School has grown from 46 to 187.