An open letter to large Sunday School churches
Published: Mon, 04/29/13
And so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia. 1 Thessalonians 1:7 (NIV) I have a challenge to large Sunday School churches: embrace your God-given role as leading churches in your area. I don’t know how many times I have heard people say of a large church in their area, “They just seem to just do their own thing,” and, “They don’t do anything with the rest of us.” I had a Minister of Education say it to me out right one time. I was scheduled to do a meeting at his church. I was encouraging him to invite the other churches in his area. His response: “We don’t really are about the other churches.” I am not making this up. You should care! One church that does this in spades is First Baptist Church, Woodstock. Check out their Go Forward Conference at They do this every year. Good for you, Woodstock! Would that every leading church would embrace their calling to lead like Woodstock. Those of us who attend small churches need to go to a big church every now and then and just see that God is up to something bigger than we are. I have been privileged to speak at First Baptist Houston’s midnight madness a couple of times. They do a training event every January that goes till midnight. Last year there were nine hundred people in the room. Nine hundred Sunday School workers! Wow! For a guy who preaches to thirty farmers every week, it was pretty inspirational. Paul said to First Church, Thessalonica, “you became a model to churches in the whole region” (my paraphrase). Leading churches need to embrace this role and lead. A lot of people think Sunday School won’t work anymore. I am in a lot of churches where it is working wonderfully. I get to see these churches quite regularly. It is one of the reasons I still believe in Sunday School. I get to see these churches, but a lot of people don’t. Here are some practical suggestions for leading churches to lead:
People have the idea that home groups are the way of the future. You want to know why? Because home group churches are leading. Willowcreek is leading. Saddleback is leading. Northpoint is leading. We need more leading Sunday School churches to lead. If you are a leading Sunday School church, let me ask you: lead!