Love Like Jesus
Published: Fri, 02/15/13
Available on Amazon. Print and Kindle
Love Like JesusRarely do we learn from people except that we feel that
they love us. If we feel they love us, we can handle their rebuke. We can
accept their criticism. We play along when they ask us to do something a
little goofy and hands-on. We can receive the word they have for us. If we don’t feel they love us, nothing else matters. We
don’t want to hear anything they have to say. There are two issues. The teacher must love the student
and the student must perceive he is loved. Jesus was an effective teacher, in part, because people
knew that he loved them. Even outsiders observed Jesus and said, “Behold how
he loved.” (John 11.36) If you would teach like Jesus, you must begin by loving
like Jesus. As the old saying goes, “People don’t care how much you know
until they know how much you care.”