How to get your church focused in one unified direction

Published: Mon, 03/11/13

How to get your church focused in one unified direction

Sermon-based small groups also made it much easier for our teaching team to keep the entire church focused and headed in the same direction. Whether we’re casting vision, clarifying direction, or simply dealing with an important issue, it’s much easier to get people on the same page and keep them there.

I grew up in a church where we studied one passage or topic in the Sunday sermon, another in Sunday school, still another on Sunday night, and something entirely different on Wednesday night.

Frankly, I never had much of a clue as to what we were studying—something related to the Bible, I suppose. The teaching was far too disjointed to create any sense of focus, and for most of us it was more of a data overload than anything else.

Sermon-based small groups keep this from happening because they take one topic and ask the entire congregation to slow down and digest it together. By definition, they put everyone on the same page—and make them look at that page more than once. The result is always a greater sense of common direction and reference. And our groups make whatever we’re teaching far more memorable.

Osborne, L. W. (2008). Sticky church. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

My core ministry is writing Bible Study lessons. If I can serve you in this way, I’d love to help. Cost is negotiable. Think in terms of what you pay your Pastor for half a day.  Contact me at or 575.650.4564