Saddleback: practical steps to growing in ministry

Published: Wed, 11/28/12



Saddleback: practical steps to growing in ministry

Define servanthood. Spend some time discussing what we can do to be servants in our home, church, place of business, and neighborhood. Brainstorm some practical ways that each person can begin serving immediately. Ask each member to commit to do one act of service each day for the next week and then report back to the group on how it went.

Have the group take a class on discovering your spiritual giftedness. At Saddleback this is C.L.A.S.S. 301, which is part of our Christian Life and Service Seminars. Even if some of your people have taken the class already, taking it as a group is a great way not only to bond, but also to create an atmosphere of accountability. Don’t just take the class; look for ways to use what you have learned and put that knowledge into action.

Have a discussion about how each member can use his or her gifts to serve the group. All members of your group need to discover, develop, and deploy their God-given assignment.

“Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others” (Gal. 6:4 Message). As a group, brainstorm ways each of you can use your gifts within the group.

Rally them to meet needs that arise in the group. Sometimes you need to look no further than your own group to find service opportunities. Who is going through a tough time in your group? How could the rest of you serve that person? Who has a practical need that your group could fulfill (yard work, home repairs, meals, etc.)?

Take time to tell stories about service. Once the members of your group are serving (in any capacity), take some time to discuss their service. Such stories are encouraging to the rest of the group.

Leading Small Groups with Purpose: Everything You Need to Lead a Healthy Group by Steve Gladen