What technology can never do

Published: Fri, 08/24/12

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What technology can never do

I sat with a lady as her father died the other day. It is a day I will never forget. I suspect she won’t either. And no amount of technology can replace being there. No amount of technology can replace the personal touch.

In fact, there is a danger in technology in this regard. We can send out a mass text to 100 people at once. It doesn’t mean we should.

Sometimes, mail merge can make you look stupid. You have probably seen it. Someone tries to make a letter sound all personal like they wrote it just to you. They want you to think they were thinking of you when they wrote. They weren’t. They were just using technology.

In our high tech world, high touch is more valuable than ever. Being there. A hand written note. A phone call. A visit.

I think this might be why my message has resonated with people over the years. My central message can be summarized in a sentence: You can double your class every two years or less by inviting every member and every prospect to every fellowship every month.

I teach a party driven strategy that is very high touch. I teach people to give “Friday night” to Jesus—an informal time of Diet Coke, coffee cake and table games. Very high touch.

This message has resonated because in a high tech world, people long for a human connection. I’d encourage you to use technology. But don’t neglect to shake some hands, hug some necks and really listen to your folks.