Allan Taylor: How Woodstock does training

Published: Fri, 12/23/11

All Star



Every church should have regular, ongoing Sunday School leadership meetings. Every Sunday School teacher and leader should attend those meetings. Part of a church's enlistment process should include a commitment from the potential teacher to attend the Sunday School leadership meetings. (I say much about this in The Six Core Values of Sunday School). The question is often asked, "When is the best time to have these meetings?" This will differ from church to church, but a guiding principle should be followed, and that is to conduct Sunday School leadership meetings at the time conducive for the best attendance. At First Baptist Church Woodstock, we hold a monthly meeting on the third Sunday afternoon of the month. Some churches have a weekly meeting each Wednesday night. Some hold meetings either before or after the Sunday morning activities. Do not, I repeat, do not allow other activities to dictate your meeting. If you do, then you violate the principle of conducting Sunday School leadership meetings at the time conducive for the best attendance.

Taylor, Allan (2009-06-01). Sunday School in HD: Sharpening the Focus on What Makes Your Church Healthy (p. 90). B&H Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.


Allan Taylor is speaking as part of the All Star Sunday School Training Team. To attend an event, or host an event. see