Allan Taylor: What is Sunday School, anyway?

Published: Mon, 12/19/11

All Star



In many churches there is only one criteria to be a Sunday School leader, and that is you must have a pulse! In my book The Six Core Values of Sunday School, I state,"My philosophy of a Sunday School class is: The class is a miniature congregation, and the teacher is a miniature pastor." That being the case, a "miniature pastor" must meet criteria that exceed just having a pulse. We must have godly, committed people leading and shepherding our classes. When you drive the success of Sunday School down to the lowest common denominator, you find it one class at a time. A Sunday School organization is only as good as the contribution of each individual class. When we take that one step further, we find that the success of the class is the teacher. Therefore, we need teachers who will toe the leadership line if we are to have a healthy, growing Sunday School ministry.

Taylor, Allan (2009-06-01). Sunday School in HD: Sharpening the Focus on What Makes Your Church Healthy (p. 81). B&H Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.


Allan Taylor is speaking as part of the All Star Sunday School Training Team. To attend an event, or host an event. see