Hotel Rwanda and the Existence of God

Published: Fri, 03/20/20

Sessions Include:

Defending the Faith
Jude 1 – 4; 20 - 25

Is There a God?
Psalm 119; 111

Does Truth Exist?
John 1.14 – 18; 8.30 – 32; 18.36 - 38

Is Jesus God?
Luke 1.26 - 35

Aren’t All Religions the Same?
Isaiah 44.6 – 17; John 14.5 - 7

The Power of Your Story
Acts 26



I first saw the movie Hotel Rwanda with my daughter and a group of her friends. In Rwanda, in the space of less than a year, a million people were destroyed, many of them butchered with machetes, for belonging to the wrong tribe. After the movie we went out and talked for a long time, trying to absorb what we had seen. A year or so later I got to meet in real life the central man the film was about, and his dignity and courage are convicting.

Of course, in one sense the problem of evil poses one of the greatest difficulties — for me the greatest — to believing in God. Why he does not stop it is something I don’t fully understand.

However, this is another angle. Of all forms of suffering, the worst is that which involves human wickedness. Nazi Germany, Cambodia, and Rwanda are some of our deepest horror stories. But it’s hard to see how there could be such a thing as wickedness if naturalism is true. The category of wickedness makes sense only if people were created and intended to behave a certain way. An accidental universe may have pleasure and pain, but there would be no moral distinction between them, since wickedness can exist only in a moral universe. The reality of evil — not just pain, but evil — is a reason to believe.

John Ortberg, Know Doubt: Embracing Uncertainty in Your Faith (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2014).

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